
Terminy według tematyki Lotnictwo zawierające coast | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
at the coastв районе побережья
coast guard air stationбереговая станция контроля воздушного пространства
coast guard helicopterвертолёт береговой охраны (Ballistic)
coast guard stationпост береговой охраны
coast-to-coast flightвнутриконтинентальный рейс (What is a coast to coast flight? A transcontinental flight is a non-stop passenger flight from one side of a continent to the other. The term usually refers to flights across the United States, between the East and West Coasts.)
coast-to-coast flightтрансконтинентальный рейс (What is a coast to coast flight? A transcontinental flight is a non-stop passenger flight from one side of a continent to the other. The term usually refers to flights across the United States, between the East and West Coasts.)
coast-to-coast flightтрансконтинентальный полёт (What is a coast to coast flight? A transcontinental flight is a non-stop passenger flight from one side of a continent to the other. The term usually refers to flights across the United States, between the East and West Coasts.)
coast-to-coast rangeтрансконтинентальная дальность (от побережья к побережью; полёта)